Premarital Counseling

Premarital Counseling – Addressing Issues Before They Happen

Serving California and Idaho

It is a well-known, yet shocking statistic that half of all first-time marriages end in divorce. With second and third marriages dissolving at an even higher rate. I wholeheartedly believe that the majority of relational issues that feel marriage ending can be prevented with premarital counseling.

Let’s create resilient relationships proactively through premarital counseling.

Helping Partners Navigate Their Relationship Challenges and Fostering Stronger, Healthier Bonds.

What Do Premarital Counseling Sessions Focus On?

Premarital counseling sessions dive deep into the main topics that often lead to contention including communication, intimacy, conflict, finances, children, roles/responsibilities, religion, culture, in-laws, boundaries, and expectations. We will also explore important subjects like values, beliefs, and goals to encourage alignment in your relationship and establish a shared foundation for you to fall back on when stressors arise in the future.

Premarital Couples Counseling Carly Harris

Premarital Counseling Approach

My approach to premarital counseling is attachment-focused, meaning you will leave sessions with a greater understanding about your own attachment style and how that impacts your communication, emotions, and behaviors in relationships. This is also a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with one another and invest in the most precious relationship you will experience in life.

Is Premarital Counseling Effective?

Premarital counseling is very effective because you’re addressing issues before they happen.
Just like how you attend to your physical health with regular checkups to prevent larger issues
from emerging, your relationships will benefit from preventative care as well. Participating in
premarital counseling does not mean that conflict will not arise, but it does mean you will be
better prepared to navigate through it when it emerges.

Couples Premarital Counseling Carly Harris
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Unhappy with the state of your relationship?

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Relationships are a key component of mental health. Take the first step in creating resilient relationships by scheduling a FREE consultation today!

Schedule a FREE Consultation.

Carly Harris, LMFT